Truth in Fiction Video Introduction

Fairy tales have evolved over time. Many of the fairy tales we know so well through Walt Disney films were written centuries ago for adults. Their themes often contained acts of violence that were considered too scary for children.

For example, in the original Sleeping Beauty known as The Sun, Moon and Talia by Giambattista Basile (1634), Talia aka Sleeping Beauty was not awakened by true love’s first kiss. Rather, she was discovered in her unconscious state by a king “who grew hot with lust.” His uncontrolled passion produced two babies named Sun and Moon. Today we would say having sex with an unconscious woman constitutes rape!

I’ve taken an in-depth look at some of the classic stories to determine what they really communicate. For example, is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs just a sexist story about a Princess waiting to be rescued by a Prince? No, it is really much more substantive. It’s about family, friends and diversity! The story encompasses every human emotion and shows that acts of caring and kindness lead to positive outcomes while jealously in the extreme is self-destructive.

My findings are presented in an entertaining talk titled Truth in Fiction: Lessons Learned from Fairy Tales. This presentation offers insights for businesses, associations, community organizations and women’s groups. For an introduction to my talk, click here.

To schedule a speaking engagement on Truth in Fiction: Lessons Learned from Fairy Tales, contact me.
“Ellen Roth is an enchantress…She reminds us that fairy tales… make us all dream again.”
—Carl Kurlander, Screenwriter, “St. Elmo’s Fire,” President/CEO of the Steeltown Entertainment Project

“Ellen Roth engages and inspires her audiences.…”
— Aradhna M Oliphant, President & CEO, Leadership Pittsburgh Inc.

“Ellen’s discussion of fairy tales can be applied to a wide range of business and personal situations…Great ideas and fresh thinking.”
—Ann Dugan, Senior Managing Director of Consulting, Family Office Exchange

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