Tragedy befalls the most famous lovers in romantic literature. Romeo drinks poison and Juliet plunges Romeo’s dagger into her chest. In a similar vein, Antony, receiving false news that Cleopatra has died, falls on his sword; but he is only wounded. Carried to Cleopatra, he dies in her arms. Shortly thereafter, Cleopatra inflicts herself with bites from a venomous snake and joins him in death.
Love can lead to tragedy. But most evidence suggests that love is good for you!
Like Romeo and Juliet, the characters in my story, Martak and Marianna, fall in love at first sight. It is the love that binds them that gives them the strength to conquer evil.
Studies show that people in loving marriages or supportive relationships have fewer doctors’ visits, less depression and substance abuse, live longer and experience more joy (Sherry Rauh, WebMD Health News). Feeling loved and connected wards off the detrimental effects of loneliness and isolation.
On this Valentine’s Day and year-round, make someone happy by showing your love and affection. You’ll be enhancing your own health as well because kissing lowers stress, relieves pain and boosts immunity (Lisa Bushak,
Hugs are good, too!